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Our shared culture around how members work together. See some of the work our members have done

Tools noun-tools-34261-FFFFFF.png
Technology is just a tool

Strategy first, technology second

Explore noun-explore-4498878-FFFFFF.png
Exploration before Execution

Nail it, then scale it

Continuous noun-continuous-4869401-FFFFFF.png
Continuous Improvement

There is no finish line

Agility noun-agile-364823-FFFFFF.png
Agility > Plans

Progress will not be linear

Data noun-data-3247868-FFFFFF.png
Data > Opinions

Strong opinions, loosely held

Action noun-action-2978853-FFFFFF.png
Action > Talk

The answers aren't in our conference room

Our Purpose:


Make banking better, for customers and for banks.


Our Vision:


Level the playing field for community and mid-size banks and empower them to thrive and enrich their communities by implementing products and services that make their customers’ lives better.

We look at money differently, around the edges— beyond the transaction to its real connection with the people who earn, save, and spend it. Our livelihood is building lives.


We want to reinvent banking, not just replumb it.



Our Mission:

Grow a community of fearless leaders who are active collaborators to leverage network effects that can accelerate innovation, build productive partnerships, and make strategic investments to help them win.





Ready to work fearlessly to reinvent banking?
We carefully select fearless leaders who are committed to actively collaborating and co-creating as members of our community. 

Apply to join the Alloy Labs Alliance here.




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